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Aragua, Venezuela
Estudiante de la Universidad Simón Bolivar - Comercio Exterior

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

Engagemed Book Tour UNIVERSE 2009

1) On Saturday, the 10th National Party of the Sunflower, Carlos Casares, (Province of Buenos Aires)
2) On Sunday, the 25th Sea of the Plata. in the Walk Hermitage at 20:S.
3) On Friday, the 30th Formosa

1) On Thursday, the 5th Party of the River, San Luis
2) On Saturday, the 07th Tafi of the Valley (Tucumàn)
3) On General Roca Saturday, the 14th - Black River Nayional Party of the Apple
4) On Saturday, the 21st National Party of the Wheat. Lions (Cordova)

Concerts in Mexico 16 - 24

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